
Brian Conghalie

Brian has been an avid hiker and backpacker since he was a small kid, often being taken out into the wilderness on trips with his father. His dad knew everything about nature and the wilderness (or at least that's how it seemed to a ten year old Brian).

After high school, he went to university to read for both a BS and MS in Geology (primarily so he could spend his time outside rather than in a classroom). He's now hiked, camped, skied, backpacked or mapped on five continents (still need to bag Antarctica) & 30 of the US states.

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25 Easy Camping Crockpot Meals for Your Next RV Adventure

Discover the culinary possibilities of your next camping trip with a collection of 25 tantalizing easy Crockpot meals designed to enhance your outdoor dining experience. From savory breakfast options to mouthwatering dinners and decadent desserts, ... Read more >>
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25 Delicious Vegetarian Camping Meals: Top Ideas for Camping Food

If you’re concerned that vegetarian camping recipes lack variety and flavor, reconsider. Envision this: sizzling Grilled Halloumi Breakfast Sandwiches, mouthwatering Nachos, and decadent Banana Bread Pancakes. As you visualize the delightful aroma wafting through your campsite, ... Read more >>
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24 Healthy Camping Meals to Enjoy in the Great Outdoors!

When it comes to planning your camping menu, why settle for bland and unhealthy options when you can savor 24 nutritious and savory meals that will elevate your outdoor culinary experience? From hearty breakfasts to ... Read more >>
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25 Easy Camping Meals for Kids: Kid-Friendly Recipes for Family Camping

Are you tired of the same old camping meals for your kids? Imagine a world where delicious and exciting dishes like campfire quesadillas, foil packet chicken and veggies, and flatbread pizza can be enjoyed while ... Read more >>
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23 Easy Camping Meals for a Crowd: Simplify Your Trip!

With a hungry crew to feed, you’ll want to make sure your camping meals are both delicious and satisfying. From classic favorites to creative twists, these 23 crowd-pleasing recipes will guarantee that your campsite dining experience ... Read more >>
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25 Quick Camping Meals: Easy Recipes, No-Cook and Make-Ahead Ideas

You’ve stumbled upon the perfect resource just as you were planning your next outdoor adventure – a collection of 25 quick and delicious camping meal ideas. Whether you’re craving savory, indulgent, or veggie-packed dishes, this list ... Read more >>
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25 Easy Camping Meals for Stress-Free Campfire Cookouts

You’re probably familiar with the classic camping fare of hot dogs and s’mores, but there’s a whole world of delicious and easy meal options waiting to elevate your camping trips dining experience. From easy to ... Read more >>
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Easy and Delicious Camping Lunch Ideas: 25 Quick Camping Meal Ideas!

You’re gearing up for an outdoor adventure, but the thought of mundane camping fare leaves you uninspired. Fear not, for we’ve curated a collection of 25 mouthwatering lunch ideas that will kickstart your al fresco ... Read more >>
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25 Delicious Camping Dinner Ideas: Easy Campfire Recipes for Families

Escaping the ordinary into nature’s embrace, you’re met with a culinary world where campfire cooking transcends mere sustenance. Like a siren’s call, the aroma of sizzling meats and aromatic spices beckons you to explore the ... Read more >>