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Matt Suwak

Matt was reared by the bear and the bobcat and the coyote of rural Pennsylvania. For the moment he lives in Philadelphia and is a gardener and freelance writer by trade.

Matt's free time is devoted to traipsing through forests, angling in creeks, and hunting for rare plants and mushrooms. He's got a soft spot for reading Steinbeck while in the outdoors and is quickly becoming a die-hard hammock camper.

Matt is fueled almost entirely by beer and hot sauce.

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camping food recipes featimage

89+ Delicious Camping Food Ideas For You To Try!

That rumbling feeling of an empty belly is never so loud as it is while in the outdoors, so a collection of the best camping food recipes is essential to an enjoyable trip. We've managed to round up over 89 of the best camping food recipes for you to try on your next trip!
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Goldbug Hot Springs, ID: Hiking Trail Guide

A hike to Goldbug Hot Springs is easily done within a day, but plenty of primitive campsites line the trail. Check out our guide for all you need to plan your trip from directions, to a trail description to what to pack!
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Laguna Coast Wilderness Park Trail Guide

A small oasis of green in LA, the this Wilderness Park is a must-visit if you are in the area and need a dose of nature. We cover planning, parking, and give some of our trail recommendations in our guide.
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How to Identify & Treat Exposure to Poison Ivy

Spend enough time outdoors, and you’re sure to encounter that dastardly villain commonly known as poison ivy rash. Learning how to identify and treat the rash is a valuable skill to have if you plan to spend much time trekking around the backcountry. Check out our guide to find out how.
Sawnee Mountain Hiking Trail Guide featimage

Sawnee Mountain Hiking Trail Guide

Any trip through the Southeast practically necessitates a hike to the Sawnee Mountain Preserve, best known for its Indian Seats trail. It’s a vigorous trip with a great view. Check out our guide on when to go, how to get there & what to bring.
three sisters falls Hiking Trail Guide featimage

Three Sisters Falls Hiking Trail Guide

A hike to these falls offers some great views just outside San Diego in the Cleveland National Forest. However, this trail will eat you up if you are not prepared. We take you through all you need to know to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable trip to these beautiful falls.
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Tokopah Falls Hiking Trail Guide

One of the best trails in Sequoia National Park is the Tokopah Falls Trail. It’s a short out-and-back trip that can easily be added to almost any travel plan. Check out our trail guide for the low-down on how to get there, what to expect & what to bring.
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Universal Edibility Test: Practice Caution When Eating Raw

I spent my childhood eating weird things, but I was always fascinated with edible plants. Often returning from the woods with a sizable portion of roots, berries, and leaves, but I would never have made it very far without knowing the universal edibility test. Learn how to test plants are safe to eat with our guide.
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How To Make A Campfire The Right Way

A campfire is an iconic symbol we associate with overnighting in the great outdoors. However, it can be a fickle master! Learn all the practicalities to build a campfire, the right way.
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