How To Pee Outside: A Woman’s Guide to Tinkling Outdoors

Wondering the easiest way to take a tinkle while camping or hiking? This tutorial covers what you need to know when nature calls in the great outdoors, including the most popular methods and step-by-step instructions.

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Whether hiking up a mountain or camping in the backcountry, there comes a time in every outdoorsy woman’s life when she has to learn to pee in nature.

Everybody pees, but not everybody knows how to do it in the wilderness. Like most things in life, mastering the art of urinating outside takes some practice and know-how. And, if you have the fear of being seen in the process of relieving yourself, you are not the only one!

This tutorial goes over everything you need to know to take care of business when nature calls, including three different techniques and step-by-step instructions.

What You’ll Need to Follow This Tutorial

To get started peeing outside, you’ll need the following:

  • A tree, rock, or (preferably close) friend (Method 1)
  • A FUD (Method 2)
  • Desperation and shorts (Method 3)
  • Toilet paper or pee rag
  • Baby wipes
  • Hand sanitizer
  • No toilet within a reasonable walking distance
Close up of women's sign on campsite toilet
Don’t see this, don’t panic! Peeing outdoors just got a whole lot easier.

How to Pee Outside: 3 Methods and Step-by-Step Instructions

Method 1: The Squat

A deep squat is the classic technique used by most women when whizzing in the wilderness. 

Step 1: Find a Hidden Spot

Search for a nearby secluded spot behind a tree, boulder, or bush. Have someone be your lookout/spotter if you can’t find anything to hide behind.

Step 2: Squat Down

Pull your pants down, spread your feet at least hip-width apart, and squat deeply to get things underway. Lean back on your ankles for more support and get as close to the ground as possible.

It’s hard to achieve a deep enough squat with tired legs or wobbly knees. If that’s the case, try an assisted squat. Use a fallen tree, stump, large rock, or even a trusted friend to lean your back against or hold onto when squatting to take some weight off your legs and knees.

Sequoia Forest, Sequoia National Park, California
Find a tree to lean against to help support you as well as hide you!

Method 2: The FUD

A female urination device (FUD) gives women the freedom to successfully pee while standing and fully clothed. Many women have become devotees of the FUD in recent years thanks to its practicality and convenience.

Step 1: Choose Your FUD

There are many different styles and sizes of female urination devices, commonly called “pee funnels”, used by outdoor enthusiasts. They typically feature a funnel end that is placed inside the pants to collect the urine without having to completely remove your pants. The other end has a spout through which your urine flows and is liberated into the wild.

The SheeWee is a popular reusable and lightweight FUD with a variety of designs and a discreet travel case.

Step 2: Find a Spot

Finding an appropriate place to urinate is much easier with a funnel since you don’t have to completely expose your bare ass. Take a few steps away from the hiking path or tent and position your back towards any people or find cover behind a tree.

Step 3: Position the Funnel

Take the funnel out of its carry case, then unzip your pants while standing, and move your underwear to the side. Place the funnel inside your pants and against your body. Be sure the spout is pointing down towards the ground and away from your feet before peeing.

Step 4: Finish Up

Once done, pull the funnel firmly up and out to remove any drips from your body. Then, shake it out until it’s dry and put it back into its case. Clean it out with soap and water once available.

Woman holding a female urination device
Makes peeing in a bottle a whole lot easier!

Method 3: Trail-Runner Style

Trail runners use this quick and hassle-free approach to reduce the amount of time spent off of the trail.

Step 1: Hop Off the Trail

Trail runners usually take only a few steps away from the hiking trail to relieve themselves, but feel free to seek a little more privacy. Search for a place close to the trail with some plant cover or stand behind a tree.

Step 2: Spread

This method works best when wearing running shorts made from a stretch fabric, for obvious reasons. Spread your legs hip-width apart. Grab the crotch of your shorts and underwear in one hand and pull them both to the side.

Step 3: Go

Exercise care when doing the deed. Poor aim or a lapse in concentration at this point may leave you with a pair of peed-on pants until you get back to your car.

Woman trail runner wearing shorts standing in front of trail
In the right pair of shorts, the trail runner method is the fastest option.

Post-Pee Clean-Up Tips

Now that you know how to urinate in nature, here are a few ways to clean up after whizzing in the wild.

Toilet Paper 

Toilet paper is the traditional method for cleaning up after using the restroom. You can also use toilet paper when peeing outdoors, but it’s not ideal unless you have a trash can nearby. Otherwise, you’ll have to store your used toilet paper in a resealable bag and carry it around until you can dispose of it properly.

Pee Rags

A pee rag or kerchief is a more sustainable solution for wiping after peeing outdoors. This peeing paraphernalia can take the form of any type of reusable cloth. Simply use it to wipe yourself post-pee, wash, and then hang it out to dry in the sun before its next use. Many outdoor enthusiasts use a washable cloth like an old bandana or a small towel.


Wet wipes are useful for cleaning up after a full day of outdoor adventure. Bring a sealable plastic bag to store your used wipes until you reach a trash can. 

Other Tips

  • Check the area for poisonous vegetation, like poison ivy or oak, and other potential hazards, like insects or plants with thorns, before assuming the squat position.
  • Avoid contaminating natural water sources by urinating at least 200 feet away from rivers and lakes.
  • Try to pee downhill so the stream runs away from you and doesn’t collect around your feet.
  • Make sure you piddle on some type of absorbent material, like loose dirt, where the liquid will soak up, instead of on rocks, where it will splash.
  • Use a wide stance to avoid peeing on your shoes.
  • Pack hand sanitizer.
Poison ivy growing up the base of a tree
Never squat over poison ivy!

Whizzing in the Wild? Simple!

Enjoying time in the wilderness inevitably leads to al fresco whizzing. So why not get comfortable with it? 

Whether it’s squatting in a wall sit, a pee funnel, or trail-runner style, using these methods will help you urinate outdoors successfully.

What is your favorite technique for peeing outside? If you have any comments or questions, please leave them in the comments below. And if you found this article useful, feel free to share it with your friends.

Last update on 2024-07-23 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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Kristina Large Avatar

Kristina Ros is an adventure travel writer and outdoor enthusiast. Whether it's backpacking to alpine lakes in Colorado or camping on white sand beaches in Mexico, she’s always seeking more time in nature.

A lifelong native of southern California, she had much to learn about cold weather living after moving to Colorado. A few slips on the ice and numb fingers later, she adapted to life in the snow. Moving to the mountains allowed her to enjoy a greater variety of outdoor activities, like snowboarding and snowshoeing, aside from her previous experience as a certified scuba diver and avid snorkeler.

Kristina has been traveling full-time since 2018, including many hiking, backpacking, and camping adventures. Most recently, she and her husband have spent over a year exploring the western United States and Mexico in their self-converted Sprinter van. 

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